Principal Welcome
Welcome to Donum Dei!
As you explore educational options for your family, I am confident you will find something extraordinary here at Donum Dei.
Being a classical school means we are invested in what one person describes as, “a recovery of liberal arts education, where language, mathematics, history, and the sciences are integrated in… a holistic approach to schooling that encompasses mind, body, and spirit.” We believe that education should invite children to see themselves not merely as commodities in this world, but as human beings fully alive to wonder, wisdom, and worship.
The liberal arts tradition has long recognized that a well-educated person must possess a deep and diverse knowledge across the disciplines - to be a mathematician who marvels at the beauty of a sonnet, or an avid reader who wonders at the stars above. We want a school day to feel like lingering over a lavish feast instead of rushing through a fast food meal that fails to truly nourish. Our rhythms, pedagogy, and integrated curriculum based in biblical truth seeks to trade the world’s demand for efficiency with an education that ignites both the mind and the soul.
The resurgence of classical education is quite the topic these days. Parents and educators are resonating with the deeper work of formation and flourishing through the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. Author Russ Ramsey suggests it’s the very pursuit of these things that makes us human. Pointing students toward enduring truth, goodness, and beauty that transcends time, political ideologies, and popular opinion is the calling of a classical educator. “We play a role in blowing on the embers of 'whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable,'” Ramsey writes.
We do all of this in a dynamic partnership with parents, honoring the role of a child’s first and primary teacher. It is our privilege to come alongside you in this good and sacred work and we’d love to answer any questions you have about Donum Dei and the difference a classical education could make for your child.
Trisha Mammen